Ecoprobe has recently downsized their operations having sold their Geoprobe direct push plant and equipment and now providing specialised sonic drilling services.

Sonic Drilling:

A high frequency sonic head delivers vibratory energy that is transmitted through the drill string enabling easy penetration of soil and rock formations.A dual rod drilling system is used, casing the hole as the sample barrel is advanced, enabling accurate samples to be taken and precise installations to be completed in most geological formations (running sands, cavernous limestone, etc).

  • Continuous undisturbed sample in multiple geological formations
  • Able to sample and install Inclinometers, piezometers, monitoring wells unconsolidated/consolidated material with one drill pass.
  • Drill and install through multiple aquafers.
  • Drill through cobbles, boulders, sands, clays and hard layers
  • Minimize deviation
  • Option for monitoring while drilling that provides unique information
  • Environmental Drilling
  • Geotechnical
  • Geothermal
  • Tailings dam grade control
  • Landfill drilling. Eg Extraction wells
  • Mineral Exploration.